Solutions. Together.

Our clients range from local judicial candidates to national issues-based campaigns.

Service Areas

Messaging & Delivery


Shaping your story to ensure it hits home with the people you want to move is critical. Once you know what you want to say, we’ll help you get the message out. Our team is diverse. We have different backgrounds, networks, and areas of expertise, but collectively, we are uniquely positioned in the marketplace to deliver a unified message to the variety of audiences in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic landscape.

Strategic Planning


We focus our clients toward grassroots and treetops without concessions. We identify the people you need to reach, develop the message and illuminate the path to capture your audience.

Strategic Partnerships


Blaise & Associates has been growing our relationships with elected officials and community leaders across the state of Illinois for decades. We can lobby for you or make the introductions necessary for you to make your own case.

Diversity Solutions


Equity and Inclusion can be a minefield. Blaise and Associates can help you ask the appropriate questions and give you the guidance you need to ensure that you are operating in a way that is both productive and equitable.

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Customized Solutions.

At Blaise & Associates, we follow a proven approach, custom-tailored to deliver measurable results.



We DISCOVER your unique positioning and opportunities to differentiate your organization through a robust research process.


We DESIGN a multifaceted strategy to help you achieve your goals. We will assemble a team of tested and trusted professionals in the areas that will best serve your needs and/or ensure that your existing team has the training it needs to execute the plan.


We DRIVE results through a strategic combination of tactics that can include media relations, data analysis, messaging & delivery, partnerships facilitation, and campaign development. 


We DELIVER a return on your investment tracked through detailed reports that help you make smarter decisions and directly tie strategic efforts to mission impact and bottom-line victories.


Clients We’ve Worked With

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2. heartland health.png
3. Westside Justice.png
5. 47th ward democrats.png
6. blacks in green.png
7.cook county democratic party.png
8. grassroots curriculum taskforce.png
9. hothouse.png

Get in Touch

How can we help your cause? Let’s make progress together.